Monday, April 21, 2008

internet , self-destruct in 3..2..1

the clock reads 1:15 am.

I remember promising myself yesterday that i'll sleep early today.

The internet's the largest culprit, one fine day I shall smash it it into tiny smithereens. If that's even possible, since i'll probably have a large mob of people smashing me instead.

Hey damn all blogshops out there, damn those interesting bloggers, damn youtube and imeem, LJ commnuities, websites with info/recipe, places with beautiful designs, the search engines and just everything. No really, i should just shut myself up in some ulu place and isolate myself from the rest of the world. The internet's bigger than the earth. The internet extends to heaven and hell. No i did not say that.

You get my message. I'll meet mr. sleepy late in the night again, rawrhh. Stop getting distracted you ninny. You're supposed to be doing maths, chem, geog, chinese, english...everything but this. Anything but this.

If you don't see regular posts here, please congratulate me
be prepared to do so.


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